Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Pu Sung-ling, translated by Herbert Allen Giles  04 - Planting a Pear-Tree  A selection from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, volume 1 
 2. Pu Sung-ling, translated by Herbert Allen Giles  04 - Planting a Pear-Tree  A selection from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, volume 1 
 3. Pu Sung-ling, translated by Herbert Allen Giles  04 - Planting a Pear-Tree  A selection from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, volume 1 
 4. Arc Gotic  The Pear Tree  original by And also The Trees 
 5. Heather Dale  CLIP-Up Into The Pear Tree  The Road to Santiago 
 6. The Mountain Goats & Kaki King  Black Pear Tree  Black Pear Tree EP  
 7. The Mountain Goats & Kaki King  Black Pear Tree  Black Pear Tree EP  
 8. The Mountain Goats & Kaki King  Black Pear Tree  Black Pear Tree EP  
 9. Ezra Pound  Lonely pear tree  Ezra Pound reads his translations of The Confucian Odes in Italy, 1970  
 10. Mountain Goats  Black Pear Tree  Somerville, MA, 2009-03-25  
 11. Mountain Goats  Black Pear Tree  Somerville, MA, 2009-03-25  
 12. The Mountain Goats & Kaki King  Black Pear Tree  Black Pear Tree EP  
 13. President George W. Bush  President and Mrs. Bush Participate in Commemorative Tree Planting - April 9, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 14. Susan Stewart  Pear  Philly Talks 11 
 15. Damien Jurado  Pear  Saint Bartlett  
 16. Dave Allen  Pear DJ Mix  Pear DJ Set 
 17. Susan Stewart  Pear  UPenn, Studio 111 / Apr-20-04 
 18. Susan Stewart  Pear  Philly Talks 11 
 19. Jon Aske  90-LUR-09-SPKR-02(37)-PEAR-01(  The Pear-Chaplin Basque Corpus 
 20. matt Elliott  planting seeds  Failing songs  
 21. air king sound  prickly pear   
 22. awareness  We Are A Field For Planting  AWARENESS NOW 
 23. Black Friday  Bomb Planting  Black Friday 
 24. Southview Baptist Church  The Planting of Stewardship  Southview Baptist Church 
 25. Century of Aeroplanes  I had the pear dream again  Travel in any direction 
 26. Century of Airoplanes  I had the pear dream again  Travel in any direction 
 27. dredg  planting seeds  catch without arms  
 28. Tim Armstrong  Church Planting  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 29. Edward J. Reiter  The Planting of the Lord  Copyright, Mount Zion Fellowship 
 30. Tim Armstrong  Church Planting  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
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